Thursday, April 29, 2010

Discovery Children's Museum

Yesterday Porter and I headed up to Salt Lake for some fun at the Children's Museum.  It had been over a year since our last visit and he had so much fun.  It would have been a little more enjoyable had their not been three elementary school field trip visits, but he still enjoyed it.  The vast majority of his time was spent at the water feature where he played "boats", but funny enough he actually loves the "girly" things, too.  He loved the doll houses, and pushing around the little strollers.  We had a fun day, and I loved having almost a full hour to listen to his conversations with me on the drive.  He has such a cute little personality, that boy.


Burton Family said...

That looks like so much fun, I need to take Shad there sometime soon.

The Gilberts said...

We have one of those in San Jose but I've never been-- I've heard its super fun! Can't wait to go---