Tuesday, May 25, 2010

4 weeks left!

Yesterday marked the "four weeks left" milestone.  I am getting really excited to meet this precious little baby.  For the first time it is starting to feel like it is close by.  Last week I started having contractions, both Braxton Hicks and some real, painful ones.  But luckily it only occurred once or twice during a day.  This week it has gradually increased and I have contractions quite frequently now.  It seems I at least have them once every hour, but sometimes there will be times when three will come during a 5 to 10 minute interval.  With time, they are getting a little more intense and a little more painful.  Sometimes I find myself holding my breath waiting for it to pass, and have to remind myself to breathe.  For the most part this baby has sat lower than Porter did, and I haven't had too much pain in my ribs.  He does however cause some pain down below, it just doesn't seem normal that he be so close down there.
  • Still able to work out consistently, and am enjoying it!
  • Have not been eating the healthiest, in fact, I have a big appetite.
  • No swelling.
  • Weight gain, 24 pounds - compared to 39 pounds last time at this point.
  • Cravings - ice chips!  (Note: iron level came out normal... guess I just like it!)
  • Have to pee constantly.
  • Can still cross my legs without troubles. (I remember last time not being able to for some time because my belly was in the way!)
  • Next week move to weekly doctor visits and get "checked"... dreading it.
  • Planning on packing a hospital bag soon... just in case something happens.


Sarah Nelson said...

They're still going to "check" you? Once the knew I was doing a c-section they said there was no reason to check so I didn't have to worry about that with Devri. SO nice! You look beautiful pregnant! Can't wait to meet your new boy!

Jamie said...

You are gorgeous! Congrats on sticking with your goals during the pregnancy! I am excited to meet #2!

Kristen said...

I'm going to join everyone else on this - you are beautiful! I'm so excited to meet your little boy! :)

Burton Family said...

You look great! Much better than last pregnancy, keep it up. I can't believe you only have a month to go.