Friday, May 28, 2010

Rough Day

(and it's only 10 am) Call it a pity party if you may. Today I am miserable and wanting to be done.  I wish he would just come out today.  I am tired of...

  • painful contractions

  • non-stop cramps and pains

  • headache

  • waking up frequently from contractions

  • back pain

  • pressure, pressure, pressure

  • Of course, tomorrow I will probably feel on top of the world.  Until then... I vent.  Off to take a nice warm bath.  Will be joined by my two year old and fifty bath toys.  Still, can't wait.


    Boy Mom said...

    I'm happy to come give you a back rub and/or take that adorable boy for a couple hours so you can soak in peace.

    Love the pictures thanks so much.

    The Gilberts said...

    Poor thing! I'm not feeling anything but the occasional ache or pain, I suppose you may be delivering early? I have no hope of that! I'll prob be 2 wks late with this one...

    I liked the bath comment-- thats how we roll too

    Cecile Ewell said...

    Sorry! Those last few weeks really are the worst, but hang in there he'll be here before you know it!! btw, you still look amazing!