Tuesday, July 27, 2010

brotherly love and happiness

my little tyson got what i think was colic at about 3.5 or 4 weeks.  rough.  i feel for any parent who has dealt with that.  it continued day in and day out until yesterday when all of a sudden it stopped.  i feel naked not holding a baby 24/7 and it seems so strange that he will just sit and chill in the same sot for hours because i am used to intense screaming the second i put him down.  lets just say the last 2 days have been wonderful.  i love him no matter if he has colic or not, but this is preferable- i pray it isn't short lived.  for the most part, porter is so loving to his brother.  he calls him "buddy".  love my boys!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

hopefully his new outlook on life is here to stay right?! colic is NO fun. its so wearing. yep, been there, done that. you have 2 very cute boys!