Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daddy is sleep deprived too

What a good daddy- Tyson would not go back to sleep after eating last night. After holding him for a couple hours, I finally asked Jared to take over at 6am.  He got Tyson back to sleep but not before Porter decided to wake up.  I was able to go back to sleep until 9am!  I came downstairs to find this...


Melissa said...

That is HILARIOUS! How on earth did he sleep like that??!

Melissa said...

You know you are tired when your kid is sitting on your face and you can still sleep. Haha. That is so funny!

Cecile Ewell said...

That is so cute! Those newborn babies will do that to you!

Snarr mama said...

I. LOVE. IT. That's a classic!

The Gilberts said...

Precious! Way to go Jared for pitching in-- Justin has the Bar in 1 week so I'm sort of "on my own" at night-- I had my first rough night last night-- it'll get better, right?

Kristen said...

I love that picture! It even made Joe laugh! :)

Sarah Nelson said...

Bah ha ha ha! This picture made my day! How awesome is that! I'm still laughing just thinking about it.

Burton Family said...

that is so cute!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

oh my gosh that is too cute!