Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Newborn Photoshoot

Here are some more pictures of baby Tyson.  These were taken by the amazing Karenin Robinson whom I would highly recommend to anyone!  She did our family photos back at Christmas, too.  Tyson is thriving, I think.  We have his two week check-up in a couple hours, and I will know for sure then.  Hopefully I am not starving him as I did Porter Jay.  Fingers are crossed!  Until then, enjoy these newborn pictures... think I will go snuggle him right now!  UPDATE:  His weight is great!  He was back to his birth weight! According to the scales, this boy is skinny and tall!


Melissa said...

I LOVE ALL the pics! He is absolutely PERFECT! Congrats to you and your growing family!!

The Gilberts said...

I am sooooo, sooo jealous that you are already on to the photography and two week check up phase with your baby. We are having our Thursday via induction but somedays I feel ready to open her up with a can opener! Great photos! I loved the brotherly love :O)

Kristen said...

These pictures are amazing! So adorable. Makes me baby-hungry... did I really just say that out loud?? ;)

Just Us said...

Tyson is so cute! Of course, Porter is so handsome, too! I love Tyson's pouty lips, so cute!