Sunday, August 1, 2010

baby blessings

our little baby tyson, was blessed today (august 1, 2010) by his daddy.  baby blessings are a special ordinance in our church where fathers can use their priesthood power to bless babies with a name and blessings from above.  tyson was blessed that he would have a desire to learn the gospel... that he would be an example to those around him... that he would have a relationship with his savior... and that he would serve in the temple when the time came... and other special blessings.  in our ward, tyson was one of five babies being blessed that day!  and since tyson has a cousin, stephen, who was born just six days earlier, he was blessed the same day too!  after our sacrament meeting ended, we headed to my brother-in-law's church building where we witnessed their baby, little stephen's blessing.  it was a wonderful day- i felt the spirit so strongly.  there is a special spirit around when these special little babies are sent to us, and our home is blessed to have that added spirit with us.  (first baby pictures are of tyson, and towards the bottom are stephen)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

His blessing was beautiful! I'm so glad you posted these pictures - the church was so crowded yesterday that I didn't get a chance to see all the babies in their adorable white outfits. He looks so handsome! What a cute little family you have!