Monday, August 16, 2010

california love

this past week timpanogos high school had their football 2-a-days.  jared's schedule was as followed: meetings begin at 7:30am, home at 1pm for lunch for 30 min.  back to school for practice, and home at 4 for another 30 min break.  back to school for practice #2 and not home until 9pm.  i didn't feel like being home alone again for a week, so we packed up and headed to california!  we had so much fun spending time with my family- they are so helpful with my kids.  the help and great company made it such an enjoyable trip.  we stayed this time with my grandma who is 94.  i am so glad porter got to know his great grandma and she even taught me how to make homemade jam for the 1st time.  as you can see, we are well loved!  thanks fam!  (by the way mom and dad, porter saw the last picture and said "look! it's porter and rocky!" he is still whistling.)

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