Sunday, August 22, 2010


porter learned how to click his tongue today.  he has ended every sentence with a click.  examples: at the dinner table- "this is yummy, mommy!" {click} in the car- "put your seat belt on" {click}... every sentence.

yesterday i was getting my boys into the car and i put my purse on the ground while i was buckling them in.  as i am putting porter's seatbelt on, he tells me "mommy, you almost forgot!" "i almost forgot what?" i reply. "you almost forgot your stuff...get it!"

took porter to jump out on the trampoline the other morning, and he was holding on to the pole that holds the enclosure net.  he tells me as he holds the pole "this is a tower, mommy" "it is?" i ask. "yeah," he says dreamily, "it's the tallest tower i've ever seen"

reading the illustrated book of mormon as a family today.  there is a picture of a man with a long beard, and porter says, "look mommy, it's robbie!"  my brother has a beard and is apparently the only person porter knows with facial hair.

at church today, there was a little girl sitting in front of us.  porter was eating goldfish, and he tried to share with this little girl.  she wasn't having it.  then porter says "you'll like it." she gives him a look. he pushes it even closer to her and says "try it! try it, and then you'll like it"

we lock porter in his room at night because he sleep walks, but i usually open it around 6 or 7 in the morning, so he can get out when he wakes.  the other morning i am sound asleep, and i keep hearing this low voice saying "boo".  it takes a few "boo's" before i wake up and see porter in the doorway with a grin on his face.
& on the same note, last week jared woke up in the middle of the night to what he though was footsteps downstairs.  but when he got to the stairway he realized it was coming from porter's room.  there porter was in the middle of the night, flashlight in his hand and on, banging it against the train table.  sleepwalkers are awesome.


Melissa said...

I cannot believe you have a sleepwalker at such a young age! Maddie had really bad night terrors around that time, but she would just thrash and scream from her bed. I can't imagine finding her wandering around the house like that!

What cute children you have. I can't believe how blue Tyson's eyes are. I loved seeing him at church yesterday!

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