Monday, August 30, 2010


grandma mickey sent porter a new church outfit this week.  it actually had these darling little shorts that go with it, but his legs were so bruised jared insisted pants would be better this week.  we had to take some pictures.  oh yeah, bragging rights- tyson went 5 days in a row this week eating at 9:30pm, going to bed, and not waking up to eat again until 6am.  that is until today, when he went until 7am.  so today is my official proclamation that he slept through the night!  what an angel.  and porter has been going potty lately- 5 times one day, and last night #2 for the first time.  we are making some progress.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That is one good-looking family!

I think that potty training, WHILE you have another little one is one of the hardest things to do. But - then again, it doesn't surprise me that YOU'RE the one to take on the challenge! Go super-mom!