Friday, September 24, 2010

Best Friends

My boys have become little buddies, it is so cute.  Porter is so sweet to him, and so concerned about his well being.  Last night we were driving home in the car and Tyson began to cry.  Porter informed me, "Mom, you need to watch out for the bumps.  Tyson doesn't like the bumps."  Every morning they are so excited to see each other.  Porter gives him big kisses and talks to him, and Tyson grins from ear to ear at his attention.  The other day we were at a restaurant eating, and Tyson was sitting in the stroller.  Porter was like a little mom, rocking the stroller every once in a while, and occasionally leaning in and saying "hi" and talking the high pitched baby talk to him.  Porter gives him a car, and then rides his cars next to him and thinks they are playing.  Tyson cracks up when Porter jumps on the trampoline and his little legs start moving a hundred miles an hour!  It makes me so happy to see how much they love each other.  Here are some pictures of them playing, Porter reading a book to him, and singing to him.  They are my life.

1 comment:

Tara Ann said...

I love seeing your two little boys together! It is so fun to hear about them bonding and having fun together; it makes me so happy for brothers to be buddies (I am a little partial to little boys!).