Saturday, September 11, 2010

porter learns to ride his bike

porter has always been content to ride his bike by pushing with his feet.  but today he mastered "pedaling".  he rode his bike up and down the street countless times, and by the smile that was permanently plastered on his face, i could tell he was pretty excited about his accomplishment.  he even fell off twice but got right back up and was at it again.  i am proud of him, but it is just one more thing that makes me realize how big he is getting.  way to go, porter!


Jamie said...

HAHA! WE have the same bike and I have been wondering when Jacks legs will even be long enough to pedal, let alone have the skills! That is awesome.

Tara Ann said...

Your boys are so adorable! Riding bikes is one of Ethan's favorite past times. I love bikes. What a blast.