Sunday, September 19, 2010

tyson: 3 months

don't ask me how it happened, but this little guy is going to be three months old in just a couple days.  the first year goes by way, way, WAY too fast.  my baby melts my heart on a daily basis.  he is so sweet and cuddly and i love him so much.  here is what he's up to at three months.
  • super, super smiley!  if he is awake he is smiling.  all you have to do is make eye contact with tyson and he will give you big smiles.  even when he is not winning over someones heart, he is smiling in his swing or where ever he may be at the time.
  • likes to eat.  he still eats every couple hours during the days, although the last couple days he has had some longer stretches.  but at night he is my angel and sleeps through the night not waking up to eat until 6:30 or 7am.
  • loves his big brother.  i still have panic attacks when i discover porter and tyson interacting.  i keep thinking trouble, but now porter is singing to him, reading him books, showing him cool tricks, and making him laugh.  they really love each other.
  • prefers his momma
  • started laughing in the past couple weeks.  it's so darling, but it's still quite the chore to get it out of him.
  • loves to be outside, especially watching porter jump on the trampoline.  he thinks it is so funny, especially if we sit on the edge and get a little bit of the bounce motion.
  • growing up.  i am already needing to go through his closet and box up the things that are too small.  it's sad.  i've shed some tears over how fast it is going by.  they just don't stay babies for very long.  okay, i'm tearing up again....
  • coos.  he likes to "talk" to me and it really seems like he knows what he is saying.  one of the many things that makes me melt.
  • tyson, you are an angel, i love you

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