Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friday Night Football

Monday through Saturday Jared spends HOURS with the football team.  Our Thursday and Friday nights are spent cheering on the Timpanogos Football team.  This is what has consumed my husband's life for the past four months.  I finally brought my camera.
This is about how it looks to me 1/2 the time.  What happened?

This was the hardest game for J... coaching against the Orem Tigers.

The highlight of the football games for Porter is the end, when he gets to go on the other side of the fence and join Daddy and all the football players.  (Note the band-aid that he has refused to take off for the past two weeks...)

Tyson LOVES being outside and all the noise.  He just sits in his little carseat and smiles and watches all the people.

FINALLY!  He gets to join daddy.  He usually runs so fast that he takes a few tumbles before he makes it to those waiting arms.

Can you tell he adores his Dad?

Porter is training for pee-wee days...


Anonymous said...
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The Gilberts said...

what wonderful shots of porter and daddy-- really special times. I love it.