Sunday, October 31, 2010

Green Parrots

My in-laws absolutely love watching these green parrots fly by their apartment every day.  At the same time every day they fly from one tree to another, and you will see and hear a flock of 10 or so fly at a time.  But this particular day the winds were blowing really, really hard.  It was unusual for Hawaii and everyone was talking about the "crazy" weather.  Well about dinner time Jared heard the parrots making their trip to the tree down below the apartment we are staying in.  When he looked outside it wasn't the usual little group but their were hundreds of green parrots and they simply couldn't land because of the strong winds.  We had so much fun watching this huge flock of bright green parrots being swept to and fro across the skies.  I am sure it is lame to see through a blog but it was fun for us & a fun memory from our trip.

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