Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tyson: 4 Months

What in the world?  I cannot believe how this little boy is growing up on me, it's just not fair!  He had his four month checkup the other day and he is healthy and strong! 
  • 13lbs 8 ounces, 50th percentile
  • 25 1/4 inches long, 75th percentile
  • He just got to try baby food for the 1st time and had no issues "learning" how to eat, he just gobbled it right up.
  • Has just started to figure out how to "jump" in the infamous jumperoo.
  • Loves to watch his big brother Porter
  • Loves reading books in Porter's bed at night.
  • Not the biggest fan of the car but it seems like he is getting better
  • Still super happy, hands out smiles freely
  • Big fat mama's boy - doesn't like to be handed off.
  • Likes to talk.  I often wake up to him cooing, gurgling, and trying to imitate our talking.
  • Loves to be outside.
  • Has his whole family wrapped around his little fingers!!  We love and adore you, buddy boy!


Ellie said...

wow! i can't believe your baby is 4months old. cute cute!

Cecile Ewell said...

Awww, what a little cutie! They do grow up way too fast. The pregnancy part seems to drag on and on and on, then once they are out, it goes so fast!