Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final Hawaii Post

(I think) After being away from home for five whole weeks home has never been sweeter.  Ah, how I love being home with my kids and husband.  Life is sweet.  Here are some family pics taken in Hawaii.


Tara Ann said...

All of your updates are so cute. You guys were in Hawaii how long?? A few weeks, or all 5 of your vacation? What a break. I can't imagine. Your boys are so adorable. I can't believe Porter is 3 either. What a blast. Love you and miss you!

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Kendal and Alissa said...

What darling pictures! I LOVE the scenery. The pictures of Tyson with his big smile are to die for. I can't believe you have a 3 year old either. We're glad to have you back. We need to get our kids together during these long winter days.

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

i like tyson's quiksilver shirt...whoot whoot!

Your family is so cute!

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