Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tyson: 5 Months

Well, I am a little late on this, he's more like 5 1/2 months now.  Tyson is such a fun little baby, I have to say he just gets to be more fun as time goes on.  He is the happiest baby, he is constantly smiling.  If you even make eye contact with this little guy he will start smiling.  It seems he has conquered his fears of strangers, and isn't so much of a mama's boy anymore.  He will let daddy and family members hold him, he does great with the girls at the gym daycare, and is just overall content.  Here are some fun facts on Tyson-
  • just started sitting up, still working out a couple kinks
  • eats all sorts of baby food, and reaches out for everyone else's food
  • loves to "jump" with his big brother
  • growing like a weed
  • hates driving in the car when its dark
  • loves to be outside (which is pretty much out of the question back in utah now)
  • likes to chew on his thumb
  • likes to dig his thumb into other people
  • gives big open mouth slobbery kisses- and i mean grabs your face and goes for the kill!
  • happy, happy
  • Porter will often call him "Tyson John" (middle name)- for examle, "Mom, Tyson John is crying, he wants his mama."  Don't know why, I think it's funny.


Sarah Nelson said...

What a cute, growing boy you have! Ha... as a baby, Parker hated riding in the car in the dark too! I thought it was so strange! We used to try everything possible to travel while it was light out to avoid the constant screaming! Good to know he wasn't the only baby who hated it. :)

Just Us said...

Tyson John, that is so funny that Porter calls him that! Such cute boys!

Melissa said...

Is that slobber in picture number 2?! That's FANTASTIC! Way to go, Tyson!!

Tara Ann said...

He is such a cutie!!! I just want to hold him and squeeze him-what an adorable little guy. Does he cuddle with you? I sure hope so, because I bet you want to cuddle him all the time, he is just that cute. I am so glad that you are having a fun time being a mom! I wish I was there to join in your company!

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