Monday, January 10, 2011

Lot's of TJ Expressions

I love taking pictures, especially if it is outdoors.  I love the natural light, and the way it makes pictures look.  I am not the biggest fan of indoor pictures.  But today I decided to play around with natural lighting indoors, since that's pretty much my only option during these winter months.  I was having fun, and when you have a subject as cute as Tyson it's hard to not like it.  You might think they all look the same, but I love ALL his little expressions- snotty nose and all!!  So maybe with some practice I can take some decent pictures of my kids indoors!  Wouldn't that be nice!


Kendal and Alissa said...

He is such a happy smiling baby! I'm sure he's not hard to take a picture of. His blue eyes are to die for. Love the natural light. I think it's so hard to take pictures indoors.

Melissa said...

Those baby-blues are unreal! Just mesmerizing. He's going to be a real heartbreaker!