Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Eve Party

This year I had an idea to have a New Years Eve family party where we would play the popular tv show game, "Minute to win it". It was an absolute blast! It was hectic with a ton of people, but we are almost starting to get used to "hectic". I think everyone had fun playing, and I had a lot of laughs watching people try to complete their challenges in 60 seconds. I've gotten even more laughs as I have picked out pictures for this post. And warning, there are a ton of pictures! We will have to do this again, especially since we only played probably 1/2 the challenges.  Sorry if there are any embarrassing pictures of you or your kids, those were just the funnest. :)
This game was called junk in the trunk, you had a tissue box strapped to your waist and you could only shake your booty to get the 12 bells inside the tissue box out.

We DO call her "Autumn Bottom" - fitting, she did awesome at this game. :)

This game was called "Cliffhanger" - you had 10 cards on one side of the table, and you had to blow the cards to the other side and get it to have one side hanging off the edge, with the other side hanging on the table.  It was hard!

Spencer trying out the bells game.
Rob and Jen are up...

And Jen was determined!

1/2 the gang

The cookie game- you had to start with a cookie on your forehead and then you could only use your facial muscles to try and get the cookie into your mouth!

Jared at work.

I love Darron's hands in this picture.  Interesting strategy...

Perhaps my favorite picture of the night.  Robby with a cookie on his eye and his mouth WIDE open trying to grab it!

This was Richard pretty much immediately!

And in the midst of the games, we had some cuddlers...

...and some snugglers...

And some huggers!

Tyson was passed around constantly while I tried to keep the games going. Good thing he loves all the Robbins.

Tyler and Savannah completed a challenge called the "Nutcracker"

Ha, look at Zach

Andrew was a pro at all the games

Hey, no hands!!

Ash and Jamie

And then there was THIS game... which is pretty much impossible to do in 60 seconds.  But, not impossible.  The guys made it their goal to complete this task by midnight.  They were quite serious, a level was even brought out.

Of course the pessimistic one who thought it couldn't be done was the 1st one to get it!

Robby wanted this shot.

The next to complete it was Darron.

And not to long after, was Jared.  And there was still 20 minutes until midnight!  Good work.

A close-up

Then this was attempted... and failed.


Melissa said...

Those golf balls are AMAZING! I don't think I could ever pull that off...my hands are just too shaky. Pretty impressive, guys!

Just Us said...

We love Minute to Win It! It looks like y'all had a ton of fun!

Tara Ann said...

What awesome looking games! Do you buy that game at the store? You are such a fun lady! It must be so great to have so much fun family around. This isn't your house, is it? Or did you move without me knowing?

Stacy said...

No that's Lisa's house. :) I wish!