Tuesday, January 25, 2011

porter and the dinosaurs

for christmas santa brought porter a dinosaur encycolpedia.  it is his favorite book.  he can spend an hour looking at the pictures.  if there is a dinosaur he doesn't recognize he will ask me what kind it is, and i will do my best to pronounce it and then read him a few facts about that dinosaur.  he has learned quite a bit about dinosars, and he is quite frankly a little obsessed with them right now.

in an effort to keep the television OFF during the days, I started doing some little projects with porter to keep him occupied and entertained.  one day we made homemade dinosaurs.  ok, lets be honest- i made them and he colored.  i created a monster... for a week that was all he wanted to do was make dinosaurs.  he now has a bag full of homemade dinosaurs, and we have successfully demolished every scrap of cardboard in the house.

just the other day porter was playing with a couple of his homemade dinosaurs- his two favorite flying ones. he proceeds to tell me:  "mom, this is a pterodactyl and this is a quetzalcoatlus.  The pterodactyl is small and the quetzalcoatlus isn't big he's just super long like a bus.  They are not dinosaurs, they are pterosaurs.  And they like to eat fish.  The pterodactyl is green and the quetzalcoatlus is purple."

thanks for the science lesson, porter.  if you ask what he wants to be when he grows up he'd probably say a paleontologist.

After the cardboard was gone Porter went for the computer paper... it will not end.


Kendal and Alissa said...

Are you serious? I can barely pronounce the words in this post, and Porter is THREE. How cute is that?!

Tara Ann said...

Kids are so smart aren't they. You are such a great mom...all the activities you do.

Burton Family said...

I think that is a pretty good picture you drew