Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunday in Santaquin

On Sunday the family headed down to Santaquin because Jared's brother Darron was being set apart in his ward as the new bishop.  It was wierd to hear "Bishop Robbins" being repeated by the Stake Presidency.  It was interesting to hear the process of how Darron was chosen to be the bishop, and hearing Darron's testimony. I know there were a lot of choked up family members around me.  Santaquin is lucky to have Darron!  And I hope he knows he has all our support too.  These were just some random pictures I took at their house after church.
I love this little boy, he's so funny

Porter was thrilled to find Z's buzz

Lisa looked so pretty I had to take her pictture

Gabe teaching some little ones how to play a beat

Ashlee and her pretty braid that Jess did for her

Our orphan children chowing down on crumbs.

My adorable little Tyson

Yum, chunky cheeks and baby blues!!

Rich and Stephen

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