Monday, February 7, 2011

Great website for moms!

My sister-in-law Jamie told me about this great website where you can create chore charts for your kids!  Your kids can log-in and see what chores they need to do and as they check them off they build points.  Parents can login and see who is doing their chores.  You can print them off, and they even have little picture icons for younger kids that can't read.  We just started today but I am really impressed and Porter loves it.  It keeps us on somewhat of a schedule and helps teach responsibility.  I couldn't help but think that lots of other mom's would like this too, so I had to share.  It is pretty sweet, and it's all FREE!  Here is a glimpse.

This is Porter's daytime chores for today...

This is where parents can assign chores to different kids.  You can have them be daily chores, or just certain days.  And you can even have them be for morning and evening for things like "Brush you teeth".


Just Us said...

Just wondering, but what are Tyson's chores?

Stacy said...

Haha! I forgot to specify...Porter insisted Tyson get dressed & say prayers too! I know, that looks hilarious though, huh?

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

that is so cool!

Kendal and Alissa said...

Maybe this will help me teach my child to clean up. What a clever site.