Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The spontaneous trip to California

Last Thursday we started the major house construction project- wood floors.  I thought it would be a 1-day job.  (Wrong!)  I planned to be gone all day long, out of the way of the workers.  When I brought some lunch back I learned that they wouldn't be done until the following Wednesday!  Almost 1 week!  Sawdust and tools were everywhere, and it was no place for a family with little kids.  So I called up my BFF and within minutes we were planning a trip home to California.  We packed up the kids and talked non-stop for 10 straight hours, until finally we arrived in beautiful Cali!  It was GREAT!
This was what we left

I love that my girlfriends are willing to take these last minute trips with me!

Our kids did great!  Woot woot!

And we loved the views....


Tara Ann said...

What a blast!

Kristen said...

Ahh, I'm so jealous that I didn't get to go!! Looks like a fun trip & I miss hanging out with 'the girls'. When do you get back?? Maybe when you're back I'll take a trip down to UT before this baby comes... :)