Tuesday, February 1, 2011

tyson, 7 months old

Tyson is 7 months old now.  He really does just get more fun every day.  Here is what he's up to right now:
  • Weight 50th percentile, Height 75th percentile, Head 15th Percentile
  • Says "mama" - even when you ask him to.  It's pretty adorable.
  • Successfully moved from mom & dad's bed to his crib!  Woot woot!
  • For nap and bed time we just lay him in his crib and he puts himself to sleep without crying.  It is awesome.
  • Still loves to eat!  We really have not found a food that he will not eat.
  • Doesn't seem anywhere close to crawling.  Porter never crawled and it's hard for me to even imagine him crawling since I've never experienced that.
  • Teething now.  Not fun, but necessary.
  • Is obsessed with standing up and walking around holding mama's hands.
  • Likes to read books with Porter and mom before nap/bed.
  • Started giving him a bottle with liquids this week and although he plays with it more than drinks it, he is an absolute pro at holding it by himself.  He puts it down and picks it back up and starts drinking again.
  • Loves to play with his big brother, they get along great.
  • An absolute charmer- can't live without him!

Oh and this really cracked me up this week.  I found a book that I made of Porter's 1st year and came across pictures of Porter when he was 7 months old.  I couldn't believe the difference!  Everyone always told us Porter was a chunk but now looking back and comparing, he really was a beast!  Check this picture of Porter when he was the same age Tyson is right now, 7 months old:

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