Monday, March 14, 2011

Hotel Fun

I didn't think a thing about staying in a hotel, but with two kids, it was actually pretty rough.  It is difficult to get kids to go to bed all in the same room!  A flashback of a conversation with my friend Katie came to mind, and within minutes I was on the phone with the front desk to get extra blankets, and before you knew it I had a bed for Tyson.  He couldn't get out and I could shut the door and give him some quiet.  Tyson also loved using the luggage racks as his "walker", and it works better than the one he has at home because there are no wheels to trip over!  Porter brought his Toy Story toys and was a little angel and played with his toys anytime we were back at the hotel.
By the way he has two teeth now!
"I won't participate in child abuse!" (Jared's comment)

1 comment:

Tara Ann said...

What adorable children you have!!! And I loooove the picture of Porter in the bathtub...that is so funny. We have shoved a pack and play half-in and half-out of the hotel tub before, but I never thought to just put the baby in the tub. What a clever mom you are.