Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jesus and Porter

This happened about a week and a half ago, but I wanted to journal it before I forget.  One day Porter and I were sitting talking.  I was trying to teach him how Jesus wants us to treat other people, and Porter was listening intently.  Then he stopped me, and told me this.  "Mommy, Jesus has owies on his feet."  It took me back a little.  We read from the scriptures with Porter but haven't taught him about the Savior's crucifiction.  I paused and then I asked him, "Porter, do you remember Jesus?"  "Yes," he answered.  "Jesus is with Grandma.  And he has owies on his feet."  (Grandma Koerner, I wondered?)  I wasn't sure what to make of the conversation, but it was a sweet moment.  I love my little Porter Jay.  (Side note:  This picture below is taped on the wall next to Porter's bed.  Anytime he is scared he tells me that Jesus' light helps him not to be scared anymore.  He thinks he is the little boy in the picture.)


Just Us said...

That is such a sweet story! We miss Porter and Tyson! Oh, and you and Jared!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

Oh my gosh! So sweet :)