Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jump on it's mommy/me day

First of all I have to say I felt productive this morning.  By 8am I had myself and my boys dressed and ready for the day.  By 9am we had gone grocery shopping and to the bank.  We stopped home to unload groceries and have a little breakfast.  Then by 10am we were at Jump on it's mommy & me class. Tyson actually slept almost the whole time so Porter and I jumped our hearts out.  I am actually a little sore from it, if that is possible.  Tyson woke up near the end so Porter and I took him over to the baby room so he could have some fun.  When we were getting ready to leave I was putting Tyson in the carseat, and told Porter to get his shoes on.  When I turned around Porter was gone.  I turn around to find him, and here comes Porter walking out of the bathroom with his pants and undies around his ankles.  I think I saw a few mortified mothers.  He doesn't like to go to the bathroom alone at home, I couldn't believe he did in public.  Freaky.  Sometimes I think I should put that kid on a leash.

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