Monday, March 14, 2011

St George Park & River

Our first day in St George we headed over the Dinosaur Tracks, but we weren't too impressed with it.  All we really wanted to do in St George was to soak in the beautiful sunshine and warm weather.  So we immediately headed to our favorite park and river for some fun.  We had to laugh this day because Porter looked like an abused little boy.  From the scratch on his face, the smudges of ketchup from lunch, and the black ink smeared on his eye from the stamp that was on his hand.... he was quite a scene.  We just never stopped long enough to clean him up, and besides, every time he would smirk up at us, we'd get another giggle.
Poor baby had no idea!

Throwing rocks
He wanted to eat the rocks
Not sure what Tyson thinks of the slide

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