Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tyson 9 Months

Tomorrow my baby will be nine months old!  The majority of this past month was rough with this little guy.  My poor baby got his first tooth and then seemed to be teething forever before finally getting his second little tooth.  Once we passed that stage, he was absolutely frustrated that he wasn't mobile.  You could tell that he wanted to be so badly.  You could tell when you were holding him that he would try and move in a certain way that he could try and "steer" us where he wanted to go.  When we tried to work with him on learning how to crawl he would be really upset.  In fact, any time we tried to even sit him down he would arch his back and try and stay standing up.   Because his favorite thing of all, is to have you hold his hands and help him walk around the house.  Porter never crawled.  Just a couple days after he turned nine months old, he caught us by surprise and started walking.  As Tyson was nearing the nine month mark, I started to wonder if my kids just don't crawl?  It really appeared to be the case.  But this week, for the first time, I got to witness one of my babies learn how to crawl!  At first it didn't even seem like he was excited about his milestone.  He would just cry until he reached me.  But as each day has passed he has become more content with being on his own.  I can put him down and walk out of the room without a meltdown.  Porter has had to adjust a bit to Tyson's new skill.  Before, if Tyson would try and take a toy that Porter was playing with, all he had to do was move away from him.  But now Tyson just crawls over to him.  It is amusing, and yet rendered new teaching opportunities.  But this is what Tyson is up to at the moment.  Here are some other things:
  • Loves swimming.
  • Has two bottom teeth (forgot to mention the 1st on his 8th month post)
  • Is becoming quite attached to his daddy!  Now he is a mama and a daddy's boy.  Just as long as we are holding him, he is quite happy.
  • Thinks it is hilarious to hurt you.  (I know, terrible, huh?)  I first noticed this when he bit me while nursing.  Since he tries to pinch, bite, and pull your hair, and DIES laughing when he gets an "Ouch!" out of you.
  • Makes funny faces when the camera comes out, and smiles too.  Pretty adorable.
  • Wearing 9 and 12 month clothes.  Staying right on track in that area.
  • Loves playing with Porter
  • Still sleeping great in his crib during naps/night.
  • Obsessed with balls!  If someone is playing soccer or any sport, his head will follow the ball the entire time.  Reminds me of Porter at that age.
I just wanted to comment on the differences I am seeing in Tyson and Porter at this age.  I recently cleaned out the small clothes from Tyson's closet, and after noticed it was pretty barren.  I went to my storage area where I have all my baby clothes to see if I could find some for him to use.  I kept seeing all these clothes that Porter was wearing at this age, and started grabbing them.  But at closer examination they looked huge to me.  That was because most of them were 2T.  Porter wore 0-3, and then 3-6.  I thought that he skipped 6-9 and went to 9-12, but no, it was 12-18.  And even still, there are a handful of those and a ton of 2T.  Even the shoes.  Tyson has size 2 shoes that he is wearing right now.  I came across these little sneakers that Porter was wearing at 9 months in his 1st pictures walking.  I pulled them out and they were a size 6. 6!!!  That is just insane.  It seems so silly to buy clothes when I have a gazillion so we are just going to roll up the pants that are too long and call it good!  The good thing is, summer is around the corner and shorts are a lot more forgiving on size.  Funny though.

Today he ventured out of the family room for the 1st time into the rest of the house

Bath time

Matching jammies!

They think they are so funny!
First day crawling

1 comment:

Jamie said...

so cute! I am glad he is learning to crawl . . although being mobile has its own set of challenges! Sorry this past month was rough, hope it gets better. He is such a cute boy!