Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tyson's first sink bath.

Two things are going through my mind right now.  First, that little naked baby bodies are the cutest thing ever.  Second, that this will be great blackmail during the teenage years.  I remember Porter loved sink baths, so it is hard to believe that today was Tyson's first sink bath.  He loved it, but he's a little too old for it as you will see.  After dinner and a jumbo sized marshmallow, this boy was one sticky mess, so into the sink he went.
I will take this over dishes ANY DAY!

You know how they say the grass is always greener on the other side?  Apparently the other side of the sink is better too.

I think he had his eye on the soap dispenser.

He managed to make his way onto his knees and was pretty happy about his achievement...

Then came this.

And finally he was up, and wanting to look out the window.
Okay, and finally I have a third thought, and that is that my mother is probably having a heart attack looking at this post.  Don't worry mom, we were right there the entire time.


Melissa said...

He is so cute! And so chubby! I LOVE his thighs! I wish it was cute when our thighs were so chubby. All well. ;)

Just Us said...

I love all that chunk! So cute!

Tara Ann said...

Cutest thing ever!

Rachael Abbott said...

Naked babies are the cutest! It was good seeing you today. Let's get together again soon!