Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wake up sleepy head!

I remember buying these cute little Levi's when Porter was a baby but his big bum would not fit into them.  They were so tight around his thighs and bum and then the legs were way way too long.  Brings back funny memories.
8:30am this morning I was chatting on the phone with my mom and Tyson fell asleep as I was walking around holding him.  I layed him in his crib and now it is 1pm and he is STILL asleep.  I keep checking to make sure all is well in there, but I can't believe he has slept this long!  Holy cow.  I think it is funny that he has a football on his shirt and his hands are signaling "touchdown".
Also, I should have thought to video tape this but I didn't.  Imagine Porter, Woody, and Buzz Lightyear all playing "Freeze Tag".  Pretty entertaining.


Just Us said...

Too cute! I love his shoes!

Rob said...

Seriously, that is one cute kid...and outfit!

Hope he sleeps tonight!

Melissa said...

Dang it....It did NOT say that I was signed in as Rob! It just said I could sign in later. This happens to me daily! I'm just going to start leaving random comments as this, "Rob" on my friends' blogs!