Sunday, April 17, 2011

Behold your little ones.

Today after church I was watching my little boys play together.  I took out the camera and was taking some pictures.  But I was doing a lot of intervening.  They seem to always want the same toys, and even though they adore each other it seems like (today at least) there is always constant tears and fights.  Porter can be selfish with the toys.  But in his defense, Tyson follows him around constantly and is usually only interested in what Porter is playing with.  I was getting frustrated with how much I had to intervene.  But then I thought of the Savior telling the people to behold your little ones.  I really was taught by these two today.  Even though they have constant "moments" they are so loving and forgiving.  There may be tears one moment, but there is laughter the next.  While I am still upset over how someone acted, they are already busy laughing and playing again.  Love these boys, and what they teach me.

1 comment:

Just Us said...

It's amazing how Tyson is so young, but already looks up to his older brother! We loving watching these two grow up, even from a distance!