Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Package

Porter and Tyson got an Easter package from Grandma and Papa yesterday.  Porter was so excited to open it, I had him pounding down my bedroom door while I hurried and wrapped up the gifts inside.  "Are you done yet? Are you done yet?"  he kept asking.  There are a couple videos, mainly for Grandma and Papa's viewing pleasure!  The first is them opening their package.  The second video is Porter playing with his new goodies and singing a song he made up.  Thanks Grandma and Papa!  Between the phone call and the package, all he wants to do now is go to your house.  :)  Miss you and love you guys!  Thanks again!

Tyson's favorite part


Just Us said...

Cute! The box is always the best part. A little kid tried to beat me up with a Woody just like that last week!

Stacy said...

What? Do share.

Mark said...

For school I was volunteering at a hospital watching kids while their pregnant mothers attended a Centering Pregnancy meeting. The meetings are to help families that are at higher risk of potentially abusing their kids. Last week's meeting one of the boys, about 3 years old, brought his Woody, and throughout the 2 hours would randomly whack me with it as hard as he could! I survived, though!

Mark said...

Sorry, that was supposed to be under Ginny's!