Monday, April 11, 2011

just life

It has been busy around here, I haven't had much time to post or take any pictures, really.

We spent a couple of days last week watching my sister-in-law's six kids while they were in Monterey, California.  Their kids were absolute angels, and my kids were in heaven having little playmates.  Porter and Ryan were inseparable and were off in their own world playing all day.  Tyson and his older cousin Luke bonded, and they both were smitten with one another.

It's tax season.  No matter how much I keep up on the book keeping it seems that when April rolls around there is  major stress getting everything together, and searching for the precious write offs.  I am relieved to be done with the annual project.

Jared let me design one of our new websites, which I have had a blast doing.  I am really excited about the way it is turning out and will share the end result when it is complete.  My kids have been surprisingly good about entertaining themselves for a few hours during the day, and then I've filled in the rest of the time during naps and bedtime.

Tyson started talking more.  For quite some time he has been saying "mama" but just this last week he has really opened that little mouth of his.  He now says "da-da", "uh oh", "ba (ball)" and "more".  His favorite word is "uh oh" and although it is adorable, he is learning to create opportunities to say "uh oh".  He throws 90% of the food on his high chair tray onto the floor and says "uh oh".  He will take out his binky and say "uh oh" and then throw it on the ground. 

Tyson crawls all over the house, and loves to pull himself up on the couches or walls and walk around while supporting himself.  Just recently we started giving him the end of a chain, and while holding the other side he walks around the house.  He is totally capable of doing it on his own, but he doesn't have the confidence!

Porter got a piano last week, and we are looking for a piano teacher so he can take lessons.  He is really interested in music and music notes.  He has been wanting an instrument for months now, and we are interested to see if he will like taking lessons or not.
Spring. I am wondering why it does not exist in Utah.  We get a couple teaser days and then another week of snow.  It is that time of year when we are so sick of winter we get the itch to move to a sunshine State.
Confessions of a bad mom:  Today I was driving home from Harmons, and since it was just 2 seconds away from home I stuck the kids in their carseats and didn't buckle them up.  2 seconds later when I pulled up to the house there was Tyson, OUT of his carseat, standing up on the seat next to Porter.  Eeks!  Won't be doing that again.
Porter's speech just cracks me up sometimes.  He is such a boy, and he is just funny!  I love how he puts and extra "s" on pluralized words.  For example, "Mommy did you get the groceries-es?"  Or when he comes out of his room without taking a nap, and says "But mom, I already took 3 naps-es!"  Today he was sitting on my lap and I felt a little "vibration".  Dramatically I asked "What was THAT?"  He knowingly tells me, "A toot.  All people toot and burp."  Or when I tell him not to do something and he does it again, and I say "What did you just do?"  He sweetly smiles, and says "I'm just being crazy!"  And then I love all the words that he just doesn't say right.  Like "Tromatoes" and "Tyson sure is frissy (fussy) today."
Last week I took a photography class on photo editing.  I learned a lot about photoshop, and it makes the last post seem just pitiful.  Can't wait until I can try it out.
Only the 2nd time he's fallen asleep in the high chair.  It just happened to be while I was laundering his bedding so it was quite considerate of him don't you think?  Or maybe of Porter... he sang Tyson to sleep. :)

He LOVES balloons.  (Ba-oo)

1 comment:

Kendal and Alissa said...

Look at those cute boys with their ba-oo's. It makes me crave summer even more. I can't wait to see your website. Way to go!