Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tyson: 10 Months

Last week Tyson turned 10 months.  I am starting to think about his birthday party, and that is just freaking me out a bit!  1 year?  Tyson is such a sweet heart.  He is such a little mama's boy, and he loves to snuggle me and kiss me, and then grin at me with his little toothless smile.  He makes me feel loved, needed, and wanted.  I tell him "I love you" and he says it back.  Well "Loooove ooh".  It's about the cutest thing ever.  He and Porter are typical brothers.  Best friends one minute, fighting the next, and best friends again two seconds later.  They have a special way of making one another happy when the other is sad.  It is sweet.  Tyson likes to be independent when it comes to eating.  He does not like me to spoon feed him anymore.  Which has limited our eating options  because I am not ready to hand that little rascal a spoon and baby food.  I am shuddering at even the thought!  He is obsessed with balls and balloons.  He already likes to play cars, and even makes car noises as he pushes them on the floor.  He has become a really fast crawler, and manages to cruise all over the house by holding on to furniture, walls, baskets, anything really.  He goes down for naps and bed pretty well, way better than Porter ever did.  And although he still wakes up once or twice, I feel like my nights are good.  We love our little TJ.

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