Saturday, May 7, 2011


Jared took the kids shopping today.  He told me about a conversation Porter had with another little boy that was standing behind them in line.  Jared said that the little boy resembled Porter's friend Austin - same hair cut, but darker color.  So after Porter stares at this little boy for a minute or two, he asks him, "Are you Austin?"  The little boy shakes his head no.  So Porter asks, "Well, what's your name?"  Little boy answers, "Tyson."  Porter gives him a skeptical look, and says "No, that's MY brother Tyson up there! Your name can be Tyler."

The other night Porter was saying his prayers.  His prayers can be pretty long, and I don't remember everything that was said, but it ended like this.  "Thank you that I could go on an airplane and see Grandma and Papa.  Thank you for Jesus.  Thank you for putting a band aid on my knee today.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

Porter got in trouble for crashing his bike into the car, so I made him go inside and told him he couldn't ride his bike for the rest of the day.  When we came inside he told me it was just an accident and then started singing me a cartoon song that goes like this "When you feel so mad... here's what you should do.... calm... calm... down!"  That was his reaction to getting in trouble.  Sometimes I have to hide the little smiles or that boy would get away with everything!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hahaha! That song sounds like it came from Yo Gabba Gabba!

He is hilarious! Come visit me soon - it's getting warm!