Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 1 of Age 1 - Part Two

Guess who started WALKING the day after his birthday!  Yay!  He will take four steps, stop, and walk some more.  He has totally got the balance thing down, and falls correctly and everything.  It is so much less nerve racking than Porter's first days walking!  Granted, he still prefers the "fast" way of getting around... crawling.  But as long as Porter and I, or Jared and I are a safe distance apart he likes to walk back and forth.  So fun to watch him grow!

Pictures and video are coming soon I hope.  :)  Some little moments are too much fun to stop and grab the camera, if you know what I mean.


Tara Ann said...

Your kids are so adorable. I love seeing all of your updates!

Melissa said...

Oh fun! And I'll bet he's in that adorable phase of wobble walk. I love seeing kids with the wobble walk! Get some videos up!