Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday Tyson Dear!

Wow, that year went by fast!  I had the cutest little 1st birthday planned.  But nothing ever goes as planned, right?  The park we planned meeting at happened to have a movie being filmed at it, of course, and then of course there was no cell phone reception to call my guests to let them know of a new location.  Needless to say all of the cute little decorations and perfect setup I had envisioned didn't happen, and we didn't have nearly the space we could have used... but in the end everyone had a good time and that is all that matters!

Tyson is such a fun little boy to have around.  He is still a big cuddler.  The past few days he has started taking his first steps.  Usually just a couple, sometimes three, and sometimes four.  I am sure it is just a matter of time.  He is much happier when big brother is around.  He sleeps through the night.  He has awesome dance moves and is usually found jamming in his carseat to the music.  He tells you he wants something by pointing at it and saying "oooh!"  He loves to climb on things and especially through things, like tunnels.  He is just barely starting to watch cartoons a little, usually in 10 minute increments-- he likes Yo Gabba Gabba. His favorite toys are cars and balls. And he is still a big time mama's boy. Happy birthday Ty we love you!

The darling little birthday boy

He ate the entire cupcake!

Some of our friends and family

Opening gifts... he ripped them all right open!

Here is something you NEVER see! :)

Happy birthday buddy!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That was alot of fun! Thanks for inviting us!