Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Little Boys & Google

Thank heavens for Google, who came to the rescue again, this time in the form of paper airplanes and paper boats.  It is becoming a full on "boy" zone in this house, more so with each passing day, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Porter's eyes lit up at his new treasures and he beamed at me, "Mom, I just KNEW you could do it!"  Love Google.
On a side note, I think my kids are noticing.  The other day he climbed up by the window up stairs and that freaked me out.  We had a little talk about window safety, and I told him that there was a little boy who fell out of a window and died.  He was really concerned and looked out the window and asked, "Where is the little boy?"  I told him he couldn't see him because he died and went to live in Heaven.  Not missing a beat, he asked, "Can you show me the little boy mom, on the computer?"

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