Sunday, July 24, 2011

Possible Health Discovery

A sadly fitting photo for this post.
So poor Tyson has had the runs for three weeks now!  His poor little bum has gotten so sore.  I am talking three messy diapers in the first hour he is awake.  And it continues all day long!  I have to check him constantly.  I googled what his diet should include/exclude to try and reverse it, but nothing has worked.  Except, while we were camping it seemed that he had regulated, and we were celebrating!  But not too much longer after we got back it seemed to return.  We started thinking about what he ate and did differently while we were camping and the only thing that we could come up with, was that we didn't have milk.  So tonight I googled (have I mentioned how much I love Google?) "signs your baby is allergic to milk"  and the article I read had 8 major signs, and lo and behold Tyson matched 4 of them!
  1. Diarrhea-  2-4 per day for more than 5-7 days.  (2 to 4 would be a great improvement, and like I said we are three weeks.)
  2. Skin Rash - There are many causes for infant skin rashes like eczema. Milk allergy is one possible cause, especially if the rash occurs along with some of these other symptoms.  (Tyson developed eczema about 9 months REALLY bad, however we assumed it was due to crawling because of the "timing".  Now looking back, that was the same time he started on dairy milk.)
  3. Extreme Fussiness -  This could just be hopeful wishing on my end, because Tyson really has been a much harder baby than Porter was, and I love him to pieces but sometimes he still can be high maintenance.
  4. Low or No Weight Gain -  We started giving him milk at 9 months old.  At his 9 month checkup he weighed 20 lbs.  At his 12 month check up, he weighed 20 lbs.
The other 4 include - vomitting, gassiness, respiratory problems, and failure to thrive.

It really seems that he may be allergic to milk!  So we are going to switch him to Soy Milk, or probably Almond Milk and see how he does, and I have to say I am really curious to see what will become of these four symptoms he has.  I will keep everyone posted.


Just Us said...

You may want to avoid Soy milk. Something about estrogen, Soy, and boys, that don't mix. You'll have to ask Mark the details. We use Almond milk instead, and we love it.

Jamie said...

yikes! I am so sorry!! I love coconut milk though!! You should try that too!

Maria said...

Rudy is lactose intolerant-we use Almond milk and love it. It goes on sale relatively often at Smiths and Sunflower Market. I would suggest avoiding all dairy at first, then slowly adding things back to see what he can handle. (for example, Rudy can do cheese and yogurt, but any other dairy and he's not a happy camper.) I agree with the soy thing. Not bad every once in a while, but every day is too much, in my opinion.

Maria said...

Ultimately, I think a talk with the doc would be good, to be sure he's getting all the nutrition he needs. Good luck!

Maricia said...

We had the same problem with both of my boys a few years ago. So not fun! We have been using almond milk ever since then.

For a treat I buy the dark choc almond milk. My kids love it!

Good luck!

Tara Ann said...

So sad, but at least there are so many options now and at least you figured it out young in his life. Good luck with the changes.

tonylu said...
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Melissa said...

We had the same problem with Madelyn for the first few years of her life, but luckily she outgrew it! I hope Tyson does as well!

Good luck!!