Saturday, August 6, 2011


Porter is such a creative little boy.  And persistent.  Friday morning I was working on the computer all morning and he got it into his head that we needed to built a pirate ship.  First he talked to me for an hour about how when my daddy gets home we are going to build a humongous pirate ship with two sails and even an anchor, and... I can't tell you the rest.  He got so worked up about the idea that of course it couldn't wait until daddy got home we needed to do it right now, right this second!  He searched the house and began bringing all of the pieces we needed to build his pirate ship.  How could I deny the cute little pirate asking for me to please mom, just hold it steady?  Work can wait until later, we had a serious project to work on.  The sails had to be orange, and there had to be two, and they had to be a certain way, and the only thing that didn't work out the way he wanted was having the remote control hooked up somewhere near the sails as a flag, but we survived.  He was pretty pleased with the result, and immediately had to take it outside where the wind was, because sails need wind you know.

The fun ended when this terrible little pirate used the captains hat as a drum.