Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The kids...

Porter is such a fun little boy, he makes me laugh constantly.  He is full of imagination, full of life, and full of ideas.  He is so passionate about life, and I love it.  Throughout the day he comes to me with a sentence that starts like this, "Mom, I have the best idea, do you want to hear it?"  Today it was "You can get me dressed, and then we can drive in the car, and you can drop me off at Ryan's house!  Is that a good idea, mom?"  This past weekend, he completed a 3 week sticker chart of waking up with dry night pull-ups and he got to pick a prize.  He picked out a fishing pole.  And even though he has gone fishing twice, and has not caught anything, it is still all he can talk about.  One of Porter's favorite things to do is to play outside with his little neighbor friends.  He loves his friends, and he loves riding his bike.  He is getting so old and so independent.  For example, Porter loves milk, and asks for it multiple times a day.  He now will go get his cup and lid, milk (and chocolate! :)) and will make his own.  Porter starts his first day of Preschool in a couple weeks!  I am excited for him, and nervous that he will be a good little boy and obey his teacher.  Porter is (usually) a great big brother to Tyson.  He lovingly calls him "Ty Ty", and will dissolve into a fit of giggles with him.  He is really creative and loves to build things.  He comes up with the greatest little things.  I am determined to get him legos for either his birthday of Christmas because I could see him spending HOURS with them.  He has requested to be Captain Hook for Halloween and wants Tyson to be a pirate.  We looked online at some costumes, and he was the pickiest little boy.  It had to have a hook, but it couldn't have a sword, and that hat wasn't good enough because it needs to have a fancy feather on top.  Wow!  We will see if that is still the coveted costume idea in two months!

 Tyson, bless his heart, he is my little handful.  I feel like I just have to take it one day, one moment, at a time with him, and some days I just break down and feel like I can't take it anymore.  He hangs on my leg, pulls on me, climbs on me and cries all day long.  He cries when I hold him, he cries when he plays, he cries when he eats, he cries in the car, he cries in the bath, he cries while I shower, while I get ready, as I make dinner, if I use the bathroom, when I change a load of laundry.  There is a LOT of crying.  He does sleep well at night, and he plays really well outside.  It's one more reason I have thoroughly enjoyed summer this year, it literally has been a haven.  It saddens me sometimes that even if I sat on the floor with him all day long with toys around us, it simply would not be good enough.  He really is obsessed with me, and although I do love his cuddles and love, I worry a lot about him.  I wonder if this is normal, or if something is not right.  I have been making excuses for him his entire life on why he is fussy - nursing, teething, sick, trauma, allergies, skin, I always have a possible theory.  Yesterday he just looked miserable.  I just hope that this never-ending phase really will end and that he can be able to be happy.  I just love the little moments in our day when he is content, and I see that adorable little smile come out.  Uh!  Anyway besides the pertinent struggles, he can be fun.  He loves doggies right now, and goes crazy when he see's one.  He can say dog, and then he says "woof woof".  (I've even wondered if getting a dog would help!)  He also loves balls.  He will cuddle a ball like a baby would a blanky!  He is my little dare devil, and will climb on anything.  He tries to do everything that Porter does, like jump and dance, and do tricks.  Porter is definitely Tyson's little hero, and I just eat up how much they love one another.


Tara Ann said...

I'm sorry that Tyson is such a tough kid. He always looks so happy in his pictures, and your posts are so positive, that I would never know. What a good mom you are to focus on the positive. Hopefully it is just a phase (for your sake). Little boys really do adore their mommies though. I miss you guys.

Tara Ann said...

Oh, and my kids aren't picky eaters because I'm lucky (I'm pretty sure that is the main reason). Also because ever since Ethan was little we would feed him Ethnic food, because that is what we love. And we always eat it around him, so he probably just wants to be like us. Dylan is catching on as well.