Monday, August 1, 2011

Milk Update

So I took Tyson to the doctor to talk to them about Tyson's possible milk allergy.  I wondered if switching to almond milk meant he wouldn't be getting enough calcium, and wanted to talk about his diet in general.  Well, guess what?  The doctor didn't think that Tyson was allergic to milk.  They said if I wanted to take him to an allergist and have him tested I could, and it was possible that maybe that was causing his eczema but as for his digestive issues, they didn't think it was the milk.  It simply didn't follow the pattern of a milk allergy.  If he started drinking milk at 9 months and this began happening, than yes they would be looking at that.  But for it to show up just the three plus weeks ago didn't make sense.  They thought he had a bacteria of some kind in his stomach that was causing it.  Fatty foods and milk are harder to digest, and magnify the issue- hence, the increase and decrease we saw with milk in his diet.  They wanted to be sure so they took a sample of his b.m. to run tests.  The results came back this week, and guess what it was, salmonella!  She said it mostly comes from undercooked chicken or eggs.  I buy prepared chicken, but we have eggs every morning, and Tyson loves eggs.  I'm thinking it is the eggs, but I guess we will never know.  There isn't really any medication they give you for bacteria, you just have to ride it out.  Luckily, it takes about a month to clear out, and we were just near that month mark when we went to the doctor.  I have already seen improvement between the doctor visit and the results, I just wasn't sure if it was from the almond milk or "time".  At the dr visit, he was almost 13 months and had gained over a pound since his 12 month checkup, so that is good news.  Almond milk is insanely expensive.  I do like it, but wow!  So things are improving for this little guy, and it's nice to have some answers.  (And let's be honest, less messy diapers!)


Jamie said...

seriously?!? I never would have thought! So glad he's almost over it!

Melissa said...

WOW! Didn't see that coming! I guess that's better(?) than a lifelong milk allergy!

Glad the little man is okay!

Just Us said...

Yea! But I guess that means he is just a high maintenance kid. Darn! We love him though, and wish we could be around more often so that he can get used to us.

Ellie said...

wowzers! that is crazy. good thing he will feel better quickly and you don't have allergy to deal with in the future.