Thursday, August 25, 2011

Porter behind the camera.

So I am sitting on the grass playing with my kids and coercing laughs out of them, when all of a sudden Porter yells out in total mom fashion, "Say Cheese, mom!"  He asks if I want to see, and that was when I realize that he has been happily taking pictures for quite some time now.  I should include the great shots he got of his toes and a roly-poly.  But these are fitting for the day because Tyson has been a happy boy for 2 days straight now, and I love it!  By the way, I have a theory for the mood changes lately, but only time will tell if I am right.  Fingers crossed!


Just Us said...

Too cute! Porter already has an eye for taking great pictures.

Tara Ann said...

wow! Porter got some great shots! You are such an adorable mom.

TakingTheEasyRoad said...

What a cute baby !!

Kendal and Alissa said...

I can't believe Porter took those. So candid and just darling! I love the one of you kissing Tyson and his big smile.