Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Porter is in his second week of doing private swimming lessons, and I have yet to bring my camera, but he is doing AWESOME!  Ever since he has started he has been asking to go to the swimming pool so he can "practice".  So last night we went to the pool during the 1/2 off hours.  He was a little fish!  It was making me quite nervous to be honest.  He had a little toy with him, and kept throwing it into the water and then going under the water, finding it and coming back up.  I have been amazed!  His lessons are only 10 minutes long, and after the first lesson I was super skeptical that anything would be accomplished during our three week class of 10 minute lessons.  But they rock, and he is doing amazing.  I have even watched an 18 month old baby that goes before Porter learn to swim, it just blows me away.

So, a few funny things that happened today around swimming lessons.  So after his lesson, I let them play for a couple of minutes on the playground.  Porter hopped onto a tricycle and rode around the corner.  I ran and told him to stay on the cement, and turned him back around.  When I turned back around, I found Tyson sitting on top of bicycle.  An 18" bicycle, probably the size a 10 year old would ride, that happened to be propped up on it's kick stand.  There he was sitting on the seat, holding on to the bar, with a huge smile on his face.  I ran as fast as I could and scooped him off that bike.  I have no clue how in the world he got up there.  This child really does keep me on the very TIPS of my toes!

Then when we were in the car Porter had his sandwich and chips in is lap to eat lunch.  As I start to drive off, Porter says "Mommy, be careful.  Don't drive to fast or my sandwich and chips will fall down and will be dirty."  A couple moments later, he adds, "In other words, a little boy once didn't say that to his mommy and his stuff fell down."

Love these kids!

1 comment:

Kendal and Alissa said...

Oh my goodness you know it's funny when you laugh right out loud! I can't believe Porter really said that about his sandwich.