Thursday, September 15, 2011


Oh, they never end!

Still can't get over how cute he looks all ready for school!

On a drive home this week Porter wasn't being nice to his little brother, so we told him he he was going to have to go to his room when we got home.  He started to fuss and was saying he didn't want to.  Jared began to tell him that we had to teach him to be nice to Tyson, and then asked, "How can we help teach you to be nice, Porter?"  Porter responded, "Well, you could buy me a puppy that could help me to be nice."

This one is on Porter's recent fishing frenzy.  Last Monday we decided to take him fishing for maybe the fourth or fifth time to attempt once again to catch his 1st fish.  We tried unsuccessfully for an hour, before Jared headed to the store to get some different bait.  Porter and I decided to walk to a different spot, and he all of a sudden exclaimed, "I know why we haven't caught a fish!  We haven't said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help us!"  I knew such faith would not be declined, and I told him he was absolutely right!  So Porter said a short little prayer asking Heavenly Father to help us catch a fish, and I said a silent one asking Him to please answer this little boys prayer.  As soon as we casted, we got bite after bite even though they kept getting away.  He was so excited.  We caught 3 fish.

While trying to decide what to eat for breakfast one morning.  Porter says, raising his hands higher and higher to emphasize his point.  "Chocolate milk is really.... really.... really healthy!"

"Mom, can you help me get down?  Or something like that?"

Jared to Porter, "Uncle Robby has a boat maybe we can go fishing in his boat sometime."  Porter says, "Which Uncle Robby?"  Jared, "Ryan's dad"  P:  "Ohhhh, the bald head."

Porter on having a babysitter.  "Mom, I was thinking instead that I could go to my cousins house, Ryan, he is my favoritest cousin.  But mom, I have to go to Ryan's so they will want me to come again.  I have to go because.... because...  it will make me stronger.  Is that a good idea, mom?"

Porter jumps on me near the water, and I say "Porter, be careful I almost fell in!"  Porter says, "Yeah, be careful mom, because if you fall in, you will DIE, and then we will never see you again, because you will be dead."  (What?  I guess that does sound just like me, maybe I have been a little too over the top in emphasizing safety...)

Oh, and here is one for Tyson yesterday that I thought was hilarious!

Tyson hit, so I set him down and said "No hitting!"  And then totally not serious I pointed and said "Go to your room."  He cried and ran all the way upstairs to his room.  What??  Guess he understands more than I know.


Jamie said...

such a cutie! We miss you guys!
So glad he understands about prayers (and it was answered!)

Melissa said...

It's amazing how quickly God answers the prayers of little children. Not saying He doesn't answer us, but I'm so glad that when kids get the idea to pray, they get the "immediate" return that they need to help their faith grow!

That was seriously so cute of him!!