Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Porter's 1st Day of School

Today was Porter's 1st day of preschool!!  He looked so cute/big/grown up walking in the doors with his backpack and confident grin!  Picking him up was adorable, too, a group of little three year old kids lined up holding their darling art project of the day.  As he was walking down the little walkway to the door, I told him "Mommy will be back soon to pick you up!"  He stopped in his tracks, and turned around.  "It's okay mom, I will walk home."  Sheesh, you're not growing up THAT quickly, little one!

Porter's little girlfriend Savanna is in the same class, and he couldn't be more excited.

There he goes!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Were there any tears on your end? I always get crazy sentimental on the first day of school. But I get over it pretty quickly!