Monday, September 19, 2011

Soaking up every last ray...

As much as I love the cool crisp air in the morning, the beautiful fall colors, and the family fall festivities...
Checking out the fall colors after the park, and having lots of mixed emotions about it.

It simply cannot compare to the sun on my back, the sand in my toes, the nights at the park, and the days of little bare feet.  Our family is holding onto summer by it's threads and know it's just a matter of time until we lose grasp.  Summer goes by soooooo quickly!
Isn't my life beautiful?

He kept putting sand on my jeans and would just die laughing when I would "get mad".

Yeah, that's my boy always jumping off something.

Tyson has been talking more lately!  He can say a lot of words, but just recently he started putting words together!  The first one was "Daaa-ddy.... are you?"  or "Mama... are you?"  ((where) are you).  Then Sunday morning when he woke up, Jared tried to take him downstairs and let me sleep.  As he started walking to the stairs Tyson was reaching for me and was saying over and over "I want mama... I want mama"  Later that day he added "I want ball".  It is so fun seeing him grow up, and am amazed at how much he understands.  He will go get a diaper and wipes when I ask him to, he will go get his shoes out when I ask him too.  He will nod or shake his head when I ask if he wants to do something.  I just love these little boys of mine!


Jamie said...

loving the colors of fall . . . come visit us . . the summer I dreamed of all of Utah's summer has just begun :)

Melissa said...

You're such a good mom!

I am having the hardest time embracing fall - I keep thinking, "Surely, this is just a cold front - we never get fall until mid October around here.." Especially since we didn't even get summer until July!

Oh well, guess it's time to break out the jackets and shoes. (Sniffle)