Thursday, September 8, 2011


This little boy has made leaps and bounds in the past couple weeks!  Sometimes I feel like I am meeting a whole new side.  He has just come out of his little shell so much lately, and has gathered up from somewhere deep inside him the big "i" word, independence.  He will play happily along Porter's side for hours now, which is just amazing compared to what I was dealing with a month ago.  From the little boy who cried when I put him down, and held onto my leg and cried until I picked him up, he now leaves the room that I am in and will play in another room for over an hour by himself!  It is insane, and we just love seeing this happy little boy who wants to explore and play, and run through the sprinklers fully clothed.  Bed times have come and gone, and we just marvel at the happy little boy in front of us.  It is a whole new world.
If you are wondering why the change, I attribute it to my gut feeling a while ago that he is allergic to milk.  The doctor didn't agree, and even found a bacterial infection, but as soon as I put him back on milk again, times got tough, and he was one miserable little boy.  As soon as I switched back to Almond Milk his demeanor changed almost immediately, but as time has gone on he has gotten better and better each day.  And amazingly, all four symptoms that he had signs for a milk allergy have completely vanished now!  Life is good my friends.

Say whaaat?

Independence, here we come baby!

And I melt EVERY time I hear that giggle!  MUSIC to my ears.


Just Us said...

That's so awesome that he is doing better!

Sara :-) said...

He's so cute Stacey!! and I'm so happy for you that you've figured out what was bugging the poor little guy! You've got to be so relieved!

Sara :-) said...

oops, sorry I spelled your name wrong :-)